Captaline Blogs

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Why Eleventy 11ty

Why Eleventy 11ty

Publish : 23 July 2024

The best and fast jamstsack static site generator with eleventy

Why Eleventy 11ty →

Multi Design Blog

Multi Design Blog

Publish : 29 July 2024

This theme is equipped with many designs for the appearance of your blog posts.

Multi Design Blog →

How to use Caplatine Themes

How to use Caplatine Themes

Publish : 01 August 2024

Initial instructions for using the 11ty captaline Jamstack theme

How to use Caplatine Themes →

Company Website 11ty

Company Website 11ty

Publish : 03 August 2024

Develop your company profile website with JAMSTACK CMS 11ty static site generator

Company Website 11ty →


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